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I thought I’d send a few pictures of my system. The speakers look great. And are exactly what I wanted…

Here is a post posted by the owner of the speakers on Facebook three years after purchasing them (here is…

Hi Ze’ev, I’ve had my speakers for a few months now. Without a doubt, these are the best speakers I’ve…

Crystal Dipole 2
A lovely introduction to erudite listening
As one scales the full-range speaker ladder, it can get pricey. It is not difficult to find full-range speakers costing tens of thousands of dollars, or ones with supplemental bass drivers, which claim ultra refined build and ultra-refined sound. By the time one builds a premium speaker, especially one with a cabinet, the price is multiples more than the Crystal Dipole. So it goes with full-range speakers. One climbs a steep ramp in pricing to elicit more refinement per driver, perhaps more than any other genre of speaker. For instance, both the price and performance of exquisite field coil drivers is nothing to sniff at.
The Crystal Dipole is delightfully recommendable and worth the hassle to arrange the system to tamp down the rise in treble and integrate it well with the Model 1 Subwoofers. You don’t want to miss the subs, as they are determinative of a superior result. Impress yourself; get the Crystal Dipole and realize all the beauty of extreme coherence you cannot experience with a dipole, dynamic, or line array speaker!
-Reviewer, Doug Schroeder, Dagogo, October 2024
-Reviewer, Doug Schroeder, Dagogo, October 2024

Big Dipole Woofer
I finally had a little time with the unit and I will be doing a lot of more listening before I have a complete perspective on this unit.
First off - this unit seamlessly blends with the Magnepan 3.7i and the added bass extension is noticeable on select passages where the 3.7i failed to tread. The midrange is not colored when using this unit and is even made perhaps more vivid and palpable. Like its sibling, the VPE Little Dipole Woofer Model 1 for the LRS / LRS+ and 0.7, the seamless character also allows for soundstaging and image focus and dynamic contrasts.
New layers of instrumentation are more clearly revealed as with on of my favorite recordings where a remote background horn now has added realism and precision. Mass voices in the Buena Vista recording also take on significantly more individual identities. The bass and mid-bass have added attack plus improved intonation. My initial impressions are promising !"
-Reviewer, Robert Raus, Mfg. of Magna Risers and Music Lover, March 2022
-Reviewer, Robert Raus, Mfg. of Magna Risers and Music Lover, March 2022

Little Dipole Woofer
Nitrous Oxides and Some Headers for Your Maggies !
Magnepan LRS ribbon speakers are both interesting and have impressive-sounding qualities, in the right conditions. After spending time with them it is easy to see why the company’s products have the following and regard that they do. For myself, I would not be a suitable candidate for the LRS simply due to their inherent lack of ability in the bottom octaves.
The addition of the VPE Electrodynamics Little Dipole Woofer Model 1 and Magna Riser Airborne stands completely changes the equation, however. I would consider them almost mandatory additions to the purchase of a pair of LRS if moving to larger Maggies is not an option. If you have the time and patience required to get the setup just right, you will be rewarded with an immersive and effortless sound that will have people doing double-takes when they see the thinness of the LRS panels. If you just don’t care for bass, or you just want to build the system incrementally, the Magna Riser Airborne stands are an excellent and recommended addition to the panels alone.
Personally, the overall, souped-up results are so transformative, that once you’ve heard the LRS panels and LDW 1 subwoofers together and working properly, I defy anyone to go back to the panels alone. They’re like Nitrous Oxide and some headers for your Maggies!”
-Reviewer, Carlo Lo Raso, The Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, May 2021
-Reviewer, Carlo Lo Raso, The Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity, May 2021