The VPE Airfoil DSP Active Cardioid Loudspeaker
The Airfoil DSP Active Cardioid Loudspeaker is our NEW flagship electrodynamic loudspeaker aimed at providing the best possible sound in your home. It is based on 21st Century DSP technologies and the latest acoustic design concepts from both high-end consumer audio and professional audio design practice. The Airfoil was the result of four years of careful design and experimentation and provides the best fit, electrically, acoustically and ergonomically for normal domestic listening rooms from 150 to 500 sq. ft.
The Airfoil is unique in a number of regards, but the most important is the use of a DSP-based processors from miniDSP and Danville Signal for controlling the entire acoustic response of every driver including the crossover frequencies, amplitude and timing performance of EACH driver, independently. As a result, the loudspeaker can be precisely matched to the acoustics of your room and your preferred timbre so your music reflects the recording venue and NOT your room’s colorations. We can precisely match the Harman-Kardon frequency response curve in ANY listening room so that the power response provides for realistic sonic balance and envelopment. Our goal is to provide the gestalt of the live music experience – in your home.
The Airfoil draws its design from the integration of technologies from some of the best loudspeakers in the world including the Meridian DSP9, the Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT and the Dutch & Dutch 8C Cardioid Studio Monitor. Each of these great loudspeakers have pioneered SOTA electrical and acoustic technologies that advance the reproduction of music in real world listening rooms like yours. By integrating all these features into one NEW loudspeaker, the Airfoil provides our listeners with something innovative, unique and BETTER.
Like the Meridian DSP9, we provide fully user adjustable DSP processing for all acoustic parameters including frequency response, timing and amplitude compression, as well as DIRAC LIVE room-matching. In addition, we put the voice coil of each driver within the feedback loop of a very powerful and low distortion amplifier to minimize signal loss and THD and IMD distortion below that achievable with loudspeakers utilizing high level passive crossovers. Like the Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT we provide time coherent minimum phase crossovers, (DSP-implemented), a very low diffraction cabinet design and slot-loaded, floor-coupled bass to insure pulse-perfect, coherent and powerful sound delivery at the listening position. Like the Dutch & Dutch 8C we provide dipole / cardioid and tweeter waveguide acoustic designs to tailor the speaker directivity such that the listener hears the acoustics of the recording venue and not adverse reflections from the listening room walls, floor and ceiling. Our cabinet design eliminates timbre coloration from “baffle step” and our woofer and midrange design and DSP eliminates coloration from “floor bounce”.
The Airfoil consists of two modular cabinets for bass and mid / high frequency that are carefully sized for your room. Both cabinets feature barrel baffle designs to minimize diffraction and strategically located waveguide slots to control speaker directivity. As a result, the loudspeaker can be placed in a wide range of locations in your room without attendant compromise in installed performance. Both cabinets are constructed of high-grade birch plywood and solid wood, and are offered in bespoke wood veneers from many species and / or laminates of your choosing for all surfaces. They have the appearance of fine furniture – they are not painted metal boxes.
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VPE Airfoil DSP Active Cardioid Loudspeaker
Dimensions: 48” tall by 18” wide by 16" deep Weight: 115 Lb.s (50 Lb.s Bass Cabinet + 65 Lb.s Upper Cabinet) Frequency Response: 25 Hz to 20,000 Hz +/- 1 dB to user target curve Amplitude Response: Up to 105 dB
Bass Cabinet: Slot Loaded Open Baffle (SLOB) with horizontal forward and vertical rear dipole slots. Dynamic Bass Woofer: Eminence 12” Kappa Pro Fiber Cone - 8 Ohms and 1200W of Power Handling, Integral Class D 300W Bass Amplifier
Upper Cabinet: Olsen Barrel Baffle with Integral Cardioid Side Cancellation Waveguide Slots, Upper Cabinet Drivers: (1) 29 mm Beryllium Tweeter in a 7” D Waveguide + (2) 6.5" D Midrange Fiber Cones
External Power Amplifiers:(2) User-Provided Stereo Amplifiers (~100W into 4 Ohms OR (2) VPE-Provided Stereo Amplifiers (Priced Options)
DSP Processor: miniDSP HTx or Danville Signal dspNexus Audio Processor: Rack Mount 2U Cabinet, Provides BW, LR or FIR Crossover Low Pass, Bandpass and High Pass Filters (1st-4th Order), (10) Parametric Equalization Settings per Driver (FR and "Q"), Woofer Amplitude Compression, Time Delay, DIRAC LIVE Room Correction. Fully Balanced or Unbalanced. HTx miniDSP provides 48 KHz processing, Danville Signal dspNexus DSP Audio Processor provides 192 KHz processing and unmatched flexibility.
Accessories and Services Provided: Manual, AC Power and USB Data Cables, Flat Pink Noise Calibration CD, miniDSP HTx Console Software AND:
Professional Set-up in Your Home Using Our Real Time Analyzer by VPE
PRICE: $18,000.00 per pair(Basic – Your Amps for Upper Module)
Danville Signal dspNexus Audio Processor $1500.00
(2) Schiit Audio Vidar 2 Power Amp(s) $2000.00
(2) Benchmark AHB2 Power Amp(s) $7000.00
(2) Pass Labs XA-25 Power Amp(s) $10,300.00
Special Order Call Us to Proceed (314) 295-5961